BentSpoke takes out six gold medals at the Annual AIBAs

BentSpoke Brewing Co has had another successful year last week in Melbourne, at the Australian International Beer Awards. The AIBAs, the world’s largest annual beer competition judging both packaged and draught beer.
BentSpoke was awarded a whopping six gold medals for our Sprocket (Can and Draught), Crankshaft (Draught), Cluster 8 (Draught), Red Nut (Can) and Flemm (Can). We also received 5 silver medals for Barley Griffin (Can and Draught), Crankshaft (Can), Cluster 8 (Can) and Big Nut (Draught). Our Easy cleansing ale (Can) and Morts Gold (Draught) were also amongst the winners, each taking out a bronze medal.
These awards are judged and blind tested by industry peers and focus on finding and awarding quality beers and celebrating excellence across the industry in 24 categories. BentSpoke took out medals for nine beers across eight categories. The competition saw over 2,600 entries from more than 350 exhibitors in 19 countries.
Richard Watkins, Co-founder and Head Brewer said, “BentSpoke is extremely proud to win a number of medals at the 2022 AIBA awards across such a wide variety of categories. This is the biggest annual beer festival in the world and as a growing independent brewery it cements our passion in brewing high quality beers. After winning the GABS Hottest 100 with Crankshaft earlier in the year, this confirms that BentSpokes beers are not just popular but brewed to a high standard.”
Tracy Margrain, Co-founder and Head Brewer at BentSpoke’s BrewPub in Braddon said, “winning these medals means a lot to us and our team who work so hard to provide a world class drinking experience for people that come to enjoy a fresh quality BentSpoke beer at our Braddon BrewPub. We’re thrilled with the results.”
See below for full list of awards that BentSpoke Brewing Co. won throughout the night.
Sprocket Draught – American Style IPA
Sprocket Can – American Style IPA
Crankshaft Draught – American Style IPA
Cluster 8 Draught – American Style Imperial or Double IPA
Red Nut Can – Other Amber / Dark Ale
Flemm Can – Other Belgian / French Style Ale
Crankshaft Can – American Style IPA
Cluster 8 Can – American Style Imperial or Double IPA
Barley Griffin Draught – Australian Style Pale Ale
Barley Griffin Can – Australian Style Pale Ale
Big Nut Draught – American Style Black Ale
Easy Can – Reduced / Low Alcohol Beer
Morts Gold Draught - Low Carbohydrate Lager